Course Aim(s)
- ENG 101 English Skills I
- ENG102 English Skills II
- ENG 103 Applied Language Studies
- ENG104 Critical Analysis of Literature
- ENG120 Introduction to Literature
- ENG140 Introduction to Translation
- ENG153 Introduction to Cultural Studies
- ENG160 Introduction to Linguistics
- ENG181 Oral English I
- ENG182 Oral English II
- ENG184 Women’s Writing and Feminist Readings
- ENG185 Greek and Roman Mythology in Western Literature
- ENG201 Comparative Literature
- ENG203 Victorian Literature
- ENG213 Commercial Translation
- ENG214 Exploring English grammar
- ENG220 Intercultural Communication
- ENG221 English Lexical Studies
- ENG222 The Language of Film
- ENG233 The Language of Poetry
- ENG234 City Culture and Hong Kong Urbanscape
- ENG240 Literary Translation
- ENG250 Sociolinguistics
- ENG260 Academic Writing
- ENG270 Discourse Analysis
- ENG273 Children’s Literature
- ENG274 Modernist Fiction
- ENG283 Literature and Film
- ENG284 Modern Drama
- ENG285 Work Placement
- ENG301 The Modernist Movement in Literature
- ENG302 Syntax and Semantics
- ENG303 Research Methods in English Studies
- ENG305 Technoscience Culture
- ENG320 Critical Analysis of Drama
- ENG321 Literature, Film and Society
- ENG322 Computational Text Analysis
- ENG323 Literature in Dialogue
- ENG324 Signs and Symbols in Written and Visual Communication
- ENG330 Gender, Language and Translation
- ENG335 Popular Culture
- ENG340 Interpreting I
- ENG350 Psycholinguistics
- ENG360 Work Placement (Education)
- ENG361 Pedagogical Grammar
- ENG364 Second Language Acquisition
- ENG366 Interpreting II
- ENG381 The Sound System of English
- ENG385 Shakespeare
- ENG386 Renaissance Literature and the English Society, 1516-1667
- ENG387 Media Translation
- ENG388 American Literature
- ENG389 Travel Writing and Culture
- ENG401Special Topics in Applied Linguistics
- ENG406 Literature, Culture and Ecological Ethics
- ENG409 Interdisciplinary Approach to English Studies
- ENG410 Linguistic Approaches to Translation
- ENG420 Language, Cognition, and Education
- ENG440 Translation and Globalization
- ENG450 English in Global Communication
- ENG460 Contemporary Literature
- ENG479 Science Fiction in Literature and Films
- ENG480 Special Topic in Literature
- ENG484 Romantics and Romantic Sceptics
- ENG485 Victorian Literature and Society
- ENG486 Issues in Pragmatics
- ENG487 Contemporary Translation Theory and its Applications
- ENG489 Visual Culture Studies
- ENG490 Honours Project
- FREN191 French I
- FREN192 French II
- FREN291 French III
- FREN292 French IV
- FREN391 French V
- CHI102大一國文(二) First Year Chinese Ⅱ
- PSY307 Educational Psychology
- SOC313 Sociology of Education
ENG480 Special Topic in Literature | |
Course Aims | This course provides a focused examination of a selected topic in literary studies. Among possible topics are the following: a specific author, literary movement, historical period, genre, or critical theory; creative writing or literary journalism; an emerging interdisciplinary area such as digital humanities, literature and the other arts, or the graphic novel. |