Course Aim(s)
- ENG 101 English Skills I
- ENG102 English Skills II
- ENG 103 Applied Language Studies
- ENG104 Critical Analysis of Literature
- ENG120 Introduction to Literature
- ENG140 Introduction to Translation
- ENG153 Introduction to Cultural Studies
- ENG160 Introduction to Linguistics
- ENG181 Oral English I
- ENG182 Oral English II
- ENG184 Women’s Writing and Feminist Readings
- ENG185 Greek and Roman Mythology in Western Literature
- ENG201 Comparative Literature
- ENG203 Victorian Literature
- ENG213 Commercial Translation
- ENG214 Exploring English grammar
- ENG220 Intercultural Communication
- ENG221 English Lexical Studies
- ENG222 The Language of Film
- ENG233 The Language of Poetry
- ENG234 City Culture and Hong Kong Urbanscape
- ENG240 Literary Translation
- ENG250 Sociolinguistics
- ENG260 Academic Writing
- ENG270 Discourse Analysis
- ENG273 Children’s Literature
- ENG274 Modernist Fiction
- ENG283 Literature and Film
- ENG284 Modern Drama
- ENG285 Work Placement
- ENG301 The Modernist Movement in Literature
- ENG302 Syntax and Semantics
- ENG303 Research Methods in English Studies
- ENG305 Technoscience Culture
- ENG320 Critical Analysis of Drama
- ENG321 Literature, Film and Society
- ENG322 Computational Text Analysis
- ENG323 Literature in Dialogue
- ENG324 Signs and Symbols in Written and Visual Communication
- ENG330 Gender, Language and Translation
- ENG335 Popular Culture
- ENG340 Interpreting I
- ENG350 Psycholinguistics
- ENG360 Work Placement (Education)
- ENG361 Pedagogical Grammar
- ENG364 Second Language Acquisition
- ENG366 Interpreting II
- ENG381 The Sound System of English
- ENG385 Shakespeare
- ENG386 Renaissance Literature and the English Society, 1516-1667
- ENG387 Media Translation
- ENG388 American Literature
- ENG389 Travel Writing and Culture
- ENG401Special Topics in Applied Linguistics
- ENG406 Literature, Culture and Ecological Ethics
- ENG409 Interdisciplinary Approach to English Studies
- ENG410 Linguistic Approaches to Translation
- ENG420 Language, Cognition, and Education
- ENG440 Translation and Globalization
- ENG450 English in Global Communication
- ENG460 Contemporary Literature
- ENG479 Science Fiction in Literature and Films
- ENG480 Special Topic in Literature
- ENG484 Romantics and Romantic Sceptics
- ENG485 Victorian Literature and Society
- ENG486 Issues in Pragmatics
- ENG487 Contemporary Translation Theory and its Applications
- ENG489 Visual Culture Studies
- ENG490 Honours Project
- FREN191 French I
- FREN192 French II
- FREN291 French III
- FREN292 French IV
- FREN391 French V
- CHI102大一國文(二) First Year Chinese Ⅱ
- PSY307 Educational Psychology
- SOC313 Sociology of Education
ENG160 Introduction to Linguistics | |
Course Aims | This course introduces the fundamental concepts of linguistics and the major areas of linguistics, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. It introduces students to the techniques of linguistic analysis and equips them with knowledge and skills for future linguistic research and studies. |