Minor Programmes at SYU

To enrich the learning experience and employability of our students, the University started offering undergraduate minor programmes in the academic year of 2016/17. Students have the option to study another subject, broaden their level of expertise, and enhance their prospects of future career development.

Students of Year 1 entry can express their interest in pursuing a minor in the second semester of their first year of studies by 31 January. Students of Year 2/3 entry can express their interest in pursuing a minor upon admissions in late August. Please refer to the Guidance Notes on Minor Programmes . For more details or visit the website of the Minor Programme: https://www.hksyu.edu/en/education/minor-programme

1. Minor in English Language and Literature  (2024/25 AY onwards) 

Students are required to complete a minimum of 15 credits with 2 compulsory courses and choosing 3 elective courses offered:

Course Code

Course title



ENG120 Introduction to Literature 3 NIL
ENG160 Introduction to Linguistics 3 NIL
Choose 3 courses out of the following 11 Electives
ENG103 Applied Language Studies 3 ENG160
ENG104 Critical Analysis of Literature  3 ENG120
ENG140 Comparative Studies of Languages and Cultures 3 NIL
ENG214 Exploring English Grammar 3 ENG160
ENG220 Intercultural Communication 3 ENG160
ENG270 Discourse Analysis 3 ENG160
ENG273 Children's Literature  3 NIL
ENG283 Literature and Film 3 NIL
ENG323 Literature in Dialogue 3 NIL
ENG364 Second Language Acquisition and Teaching  3 ENG160
ENG388 American Literature  3 NIL


2. Minor in Literary and Cultural Studies (on or before 2023/24 AY)
Programme Aims

The Minor in Literary and Cultural Studies aims to:

- to provide students with the knowledge and skills to successfully analyse issues in literary and cultural texts

- to meet the needs of students majoring in different disciplines who are seeking to acquire skills in literary and cultural studies relevant to their graduation goals


Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)

Upon completion of the Minor in Literary and Cultural Studies, students should be able to:

Identify socio-cultural issues presented in literature and films;

- Analyse genres of literary and cultural texts in terms of form and content;

Interpret texts, both written and visual, through different lenses such as gender, race, sexuality and urban space.


Students are required to complete a minimum of 15 credits with 2 compulsory and 3 elective courses. 

Course Code Course Title Credits Pre-requisite(s)
ENG120 Introduction to Literature 3 NIL
ENG104 Critical Analysis of Literature 3 NIL
Electives (3 courses out of 5)
ENG184 Women's Writing and Feminist Readings  3 ENG120
ENG273 Children's Literature  3 ENG120
ENG389 Travel Writing and Culture 3 ENG104
ENG479 Science Fiction 3 ENG120
ENG324  Signs and Symbols in Written and Visual Communication 3 ENG104
3. Minor in Linguistics and Translation Studies (on or before 2023/24 AY)
Programme Aims

The Minor in Linguistics and Translation Studies aims to:

- To provide students with the knowledge and skills to successfully analyse issues in linguistics and/or translation

to meet the needs of students majoring in different disciplines who are seeking to acquire skills in linguistics and translation studies in preparation for their career development


Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)

Upon completion of the Minor in Linguistics and Translation Studies, students should be able to:
identify and analyze issues and topics in linguistics and translation studies through an interdisciplinary perspective;
- demonstrate the ability to connect linguistics and translation studies concepts and theories to any other disciplines;
apply linguistics and translation studies concepts to effective communication in multi-cultural and international settings;
- demonstrate proficiency in using digital tools in linguistics and translation studies 

Students are required to complete a minimum of 15 credits with 2 compulsory and 3 elective courses.

Course Code Course Title Credits Pre-requisite(s)
ENG140 Comparative Studies of Language and Culture 3 NIL
ENG160 Introduction to Linguistics  3 NIL
Electives (3 courses out of 6)
ENG214 Exploring English Grammar 3 ENG160
ENG201 Comparative Literature 3 ENG140
ENG270 Discourse Analysis  3 ENG160
ENG213 Commercial Translation 3 ENG103
ENG364 Second Langauge Acquisition and Teaching 3 ENG160
ENG387 Media Translation 3 ENG140
4. Other departments which offer minor programmes: 
Department Minor Programme Offered (1) Minor Programme Offered (2) Minor Programme Offered (3)
Accounting  Minor in Accounting# (On or before 2018/19 AY)
(2019/20 AY onwards)
Business Administration

Minor in Business Administration (On or before 2017/18 AY) 
(2018/19 AY onwards)

Minor in Entrepreneurship (2021/22 AY onwards)  
Economics and Finance Minor in Economics Minor in Finance Minor in FinTech (2022/23 AY onwards)
Counselling and Psychology Minor in Psychology    
Sociology Minor in Sociology (On or before 2020/21 AY)
(2020/21 AY onwards)
Minor in Arts Tech  
Social Work Minor in Social Work# 
(On or before 2022/23 AY)
(2023/24 AY onwards)
Chinese Language and Literature  Minor in Chinese Langauge and Literature (On or before 2019/20 AY) 
(2020/21 AY onwards) 
History  Minor in History (On or before 2020/21 AY)
(2021/22 AY onwards)
Journalism and Communication 

Minor in Journalism and Mass Communication (On or before 2020/21 AY) 
(2021/22 AY onwards)

# These Undergraduate Minor Programmes will not lead to the same professional recognition as students who complete the programmes as a major.