Programme Structure for 2024-2025 Year One Entry

2024-2025 Programme Structure


First Year 

Language Requirement  No. of Credits
CHI 101-2 First Year Chinese I & II
( Alternative Chinese courses will be offered to non-Chinese speaking students)
Department Core Requirement   
ENG 101-2 English Skills I & 2 3
ENG 120 Introduction to Literature  3
ENG 103 Applied Language Studies   3
ENG 104 Critical Analysis of Literature  3
ENG 160 Introduction to Linguistics  3
ENG 181-2 Oral English I & II 3
Department Electives (Choose 1 course)  
ENG 140 Comparative Studies of Languages and Cultures 3
ENG 184 Women's Writing & Feminist Readings  3
General Education 



Second Year 

Department Core Requirement  No. of Credits 
ENG 201 Comparative Literature  3
ENG 202 Introduction to English Phonetics  3
ENG 203 Victorian Literature  3
ENG 214 Exploring English Grammar  3
ENG 270 Discourse Analysis  3
Department Electives (Choose 2 courses)   
ENG 213 Commercial Translation  3
ENG 220 Intercultural Communication  3
ENG 221 English Lexical Studies 3
ENG 222 The Language of Film  3
ENG 233 The Language of Poetry 3
ENG 234 City Culture and H.K. Urbanscape  3
ENG 250 Sociolinguisitics  3
ENG 273 Children's Literature  3
ENG 283 Literature and Film  3
ENG 284 Modern Drama  3
ENG 285 Work Placement  3
General Education 6
Free Electives  6


Third Year 

Department Core Requirement  No. of Credits
ENG 301 The Modernist Movement in Literature  3
ENG 302 Syntax and Semantics  3
ENG 303 Research Methods in English Studies  3
ENG 385 Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature  3
Department Electives (Choose 4 courses)  
ENG 285 Work Placement  3
ENG 320  Critical Analysis of Drama  3
ENG 321 Literature, Film and Society 3
ENG 322 Computational Text Analysis  3
ENG 323 Literature in Dialogue  3
ENG 324 Signs and Symbols in Western and Visual Communication  3
ENG 330 Gender, Language and Translation  3
ENG 350 Psycholinguistics  3
ENG 360 Work Placement (Education)  3
ENG 361 Pedagogical Grammar 3
ENG 364 Second Language Acquisition and Teaching  3
ENG 388 American Literature  3
ENG 389 Travel Writing and Culture  3
ENG 450 English in Global Communication  3
Free Electives  6

Fourth Year 

Department Core Requirement  No. of Credits
ENG 484  Romantics and Romantics Sceptics  3
ENG 486  Issues in Pragmatics  3
ENG 490
ENG 401
ENG 480
Honours Project 
Special Topics in Applied Linguistics AND 
Special Topics in Literature 
Department Electives (Choose 3 courses)   
ENG 322 Computational Text Analysis 3
ENG 323 Literature in Dialogue  3
ENG 350 Psycholinguistics  3
ENG 361 Pedagogical Grammar  3
ENG 406 Reading and Writing the Environment  3
ENG 410 Understanding Multilingual Communication  3
ENG 420 Language, Cognition, and Education  3
ENG 440 Language, Communication, and Globalization  3
ENG 450 English in Global Communication  3
ENG 460 21st Century Fiction  3
ENG 479 Science Fiction in Literature and Films  3
Free Electives  3