Dr. WAN Yau Ni Jenny
B.A. (Hons) Language Studies with Business, PolyU
- Introduction to University Teaching Level 1: Preparing to Teach
- Introduction to University Teaching Level 2: The Teaching and Learning Process
- Becoming a Skillful Teaching (BST)
- Certificate in Blended Learning (How & Why)
Course(s) Taught
Undergraduate Level
Graduate Level
Guided Readings in English Studies
Supervision of Postgraduate Research Student
Topic: "Exploring generic stages, attitudes and language identity in English online customer reviews at Ocean Park Hong Kong"
Willing to supervise Mphil students working in the area(s) of:
Research Grant
Research Interests
Language Studies
Peer Reviewed Journal Article(s)
Language for human and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI)
1. Wan, Y. N. (2024). Language differences in online complaint responses between generative artificial intelligence and hotel managers. Informatics, 11(3), 66. https://doi.org/10.3390/informatics1103006 (ESCI)
Evaluative language in the luxury hotels
Visitors' feedback on theme park tourism
Language in call centers
5. Forey, G., Wan, Y. N. & Lockwood., J. (forthcoming). Language in call centers. International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 3rd edition. (Elsevier/SCOPUS)
Evaluative language in heritage museums
10. Wan, Y. N. & Forey, G. (2024). Exploring collective identity and community connections: An interpersonal analysis of online visitor reviews at the Overseas Chinese Museum (2012-2023). Forum for Linguistic Studies, 6(5), 149–170. https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6952 (National Library Board of Singapore/SCOPUS)
Comparative studies of intercultural communication
Interpersonal meanings in report cards
Book Chapter
Wan, Y. N. (2010). Call centre discourse: Graduation in relation to voice quality and attitudinal profile. In G. Forey and J. Lockwood (Eds.), Globalisation, Communication and the Workplace. London: Continuum, pp. 106-124. ISBN: 0826446078,9780826446077
Refereed Conference Proceeding
Wan, Y. N. (2008). The exchange of interpersonal language in call centre conversations. Systemic Functional Linguistics in Use, Odense Working Papers in Language and Communication: Systemic Functional Linguistics in Use, Nina Nørgaard (ed.) 29, 825-839. ISSN 0906-7612, ISBN: 978-87-90923-47-1.
Article(s) in preparation
Authored book in preparation
Wan, Y. N. & Forey, G. (in prep.). The digital globalised workplace: Managing customer interactions
Conference Presentation(s)
Wan, Y. N., & Forey, G. (forthcoming). “Analyzing visitor reviews of heritage tourism: A case study of the Overseas Chinese Museum.” Paper given at ICLLS 2025 Seventh International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies, Ningbo University, Ningbo, CHINA, June 6 - 8, 2025.
Tse, T. P. J., & Wan, Y. N. (forthcoming). “Analysis of social media reviews: A focus on Ocean Park Hong Kong.” Paper given at ICLLS 2025 Seventh International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies, Ningbo University, Ningbo, CHINA, June 6 - 8, 2025.
Zeng, W., Guan, H. L., & Wan, Y. N. (forthcoming). “From policy to perception: sentiment analysis and topic modeling on housing issues in Hong Kong.” Paper given at ICLLS 2025 Seventh International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies, Ningbo University, Ningbo, CHINA, June 6 - 8, 2025.
Wan, Y. N. (2025). “How do hotel managers and GenAI apologise differently for hotel customers' online complaints?” Paper given at Language Symposium 2025: Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) and Digital Genre, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, HONG KONG, February 8, 2025.
Wan, Y. N. (2019). “Childhood Anthropocentrism: An initial study of Animal Metaphor in Cantonese and Minnan Nursery Rhymes.” Paper given at The Language and Ecology: Towards a Shared Narrative in Interdisciplinary Research 2019, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, HONG KONG, September 5-7, 2019.
Wan, Y. N. (2019). “Interpreting Media Literacy: A Pilot Study of Interpersonal Meaning in YouTube Wedding Speech.” Paper given at The ICLLS 2019: Fifth International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies, Saint Francis University, HONG KONG, June 25-26, 2019.
Wan, Y. N. (2019). “Multilingual print advertisements: Linguistic features of English-mixing advertisement in Hong Kong.” Paper given at The International Conference on Multilingual Acquisition and Multilingual Education, The Education University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG, June 22 – 24, 2019.
Wan, Y. N. (2018). Exploring university students’ peer review competence: A preliminary study of cognitive and affective feedback in language assessment. Paper given at The 2018 International Conference on Bilingual Learning and Teaching, The Open University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG, October 25-27, 2018
Wan, Y. N. (2018) Peer assessment in ELT: A critical evaluation of Peer Review written by L2 learners in a private University in Hong Kong. Paper given at The International Conference on English Language Education in the Chinese Context, The Education University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG, May 4-5, 2018.
Wan, Y. N. (2017). Language of persuasion in ESP writing: Personal recount in travelers online complaints. Paper given at The International Conference on ESP, New Technologies and Digital Learning, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HONG KONG, December 7-9, 2017.
Wan, Y. N. (2017). Tourism discourse analysis: International travelers e-complaints, and e- response letters from management group of Hong Kong 5-stars hotels on Travel Forum. Paper given at The Third International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies, The Open University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG, June 29-30, 2017.
Wan, Y. N. (2017). Maam, let me tell you our story. Analyzing interpersonal relationship and recount structure in American-Filipino call centre complaint conversations. Paper given at The Doing Research in Applied Linguistics 3 / 19th English in South-East Asia Conference 2017, King Mongkuts University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, THAILAND, June 22-24, 2017.
Wan, Y. N. (2017). Well, Oh, Right: An analysis of backchannels used in intercultural dialogues. Paper given at The 6th International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication & The 23rd International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies, Macao Polytechnic Institute, MACAU, June 6-8, 2017.
Wan, Y. N. (2016). Writing mini-research paper: The challenges from non-English major students in a private university in Hong Kong. Paper given at The 11th International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level: Rethinking ELT in Higher Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HONG KONG, December 9-10, 2016.
Wan, Y. N. (2016). How to sound nice and helpful? Managing communication skills in telephone service encounter by L2 customer service representatives. Paper given at The 4th Forum on Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, CHINA, December 3-4, 2016.
Wan, Y. N. (2016). The role of scorecards in call centre conversation assessment. Paper given at The 2016 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, TAIWAN, Apr 15-16, 2016.
Wan, Y. N. (2015) Professional Discourse Analysis: Specific Language Features in Telephone Communication Breakdown. Paper given at The ICLLS 2015: First International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies, Saint Francis University, HONG KONG, Apr 9-10, 2015.
Wan, Y. N. (2013) Workplace Communication: An Analysis of General and Complex Calls in Filipino Insurance Call Centres. Paper given at The IALIC 2013: Language and Intercultural Communication in the Workplace Critical Approaches to Theory and Practice, Hong Kong Baptist University, HONG KONG, Nov 29 – Dec 1, 2013.
Wan, Y. N. (2013) Exchange Structure at Points of Negotiation in Call Centre Conversations. Paper given at The 4th International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication (Part 1 Macao), MPI-Bell Centre of English, Macao Polytechnic Institute, MACAU, Jun 4-7, 2013.
Wan, Y. N. (2013) Expected and Discretionary Responses in Complex Call Centre Conversations. Paper given at The Greeting the New Age of ESP: Practice, Innovation, and Vision 2013 International Conference on Applied Foreign Languages (2013-ICAFLs), National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, TAIWAN, May 23-24, 2013.
Forey, G. & Wan, Y. N. (2012). Call Centre conversations - getting the job done: The role and value of chatting in service encounters. Paper given at The 5th Talking Across the World 2012: The BPO Industry: Resetting the Research Agenda, Da La Salle University, Manila, THE PHILIPPINES, June 21-23, 2012.
Wan, Y. N. (2010) "Language features of communication breakdown in call centre conversations". Paper at The Talking across the World Conference 2010: English Communication Skills from Commodity to Quality, Da La Salle University, Manila, the Philippines, November 26-27, 2010.
Wan, Y. N. (2009) "Validation of interpretative analysis investigating the methodology: Voice quality in call centre discourse". Paper at The 36' International Systemic Functional Congress, Tsinghua University, Beijing, CHINA, July 14-18, 2009.
Wan, Y. N. (2009) Methodology: A preliminary study of identifying voice quality features in call centre conversations. Paper at The 2009 Annual PolyU Faculty of Humanities Postgraduate Research Symposium, POLYU, Hong Kong, CHINA. March 13. 2009.
Wan, Y. N. (2008) "Creating meanings through Graduation in verbiage and voice in Philippine call centre". Paper at The 35 International Systemic Functional Congress. Macquarie University, Sydney, AUSTRALIA, July 21-25. 2008.
Forey, G. & Wan, Y. N. (2008) "Language and society: the Philippine BPO industry". Paper at The Critical Dimensions in Applied Linguistics Association of Australia. 33 Annual conference, University of Sydney, AUSTRALIA, July 4-6, 2008.
Wan, Y. N. (2008). "Exchanging interpersonal meaning in call centre conversations". Paper at The First Faculty of Communication Postgraduate Research Symposium, PolyU, Department of English & Bilingual Studies, Hong Kong, CHINA, March 29, 2008.
Wan, Y. N. (2008). "Call Centre Interaction: Interpreting interpersonal attitude through voice and verbiage". Paper at The 3rd Talking Across the World Conference: English Communication Skills for the ITES industry, Bangalore, INDIA, April 25-26, 2008.
Wan, Y. N. (2007). "How voice quality features create meaning potentials and form alignments in telephone conflicts". Paper at The Semiotic Margins: reclaiming meaning. The University of Sydney, AUSTRALIA, December 10-12, 2007.
Wan, Y. N. & Hood, S. (2007). "'Meaning potentials of voice quality features as a graduation resource in call centre interactions" Paper at The Discourses and Cultural Practices. University of Technology, Sydney, AUSTRALIA, November 29, 30 and December 1, 2007.
Wan, Y. N. (2007). "The Exchange of Interpersonal Meaning in Call Centre Conversations". Paper at The 34' ISFC: Systemic Functional Linguistics in Use. University of Southern Denmark. Odense, DENMARK, July 16-20, 2007.
Wan, Y. N. (2007). "The Interpersonal Language of Complaint Calls". Paper at The 2nd International Conference: Talking across the World, English Communication Skills for the ITES industry, Manila, THE PHILIPPINES, May 31-June 2, 2007.
Forey, G., & Wan Y. N. (2006) "Interpersonal language in call centre discourse". Paper at The Inaugural Conference: Talking across the world, English communication skills for the Information Technology Enabled Services Industry. Asian Institute of Management Conference Centre Manila, THE PHILIPPINES, February 24-25, 2006.
Seminar(s) and Workshop(s)
Wan, Y. N. (2024). "Punctuate right, puzzle bright: Positioning punctuation in academic writing." Workshop at the Language Workshop Week, Language Center of the Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong, CHINA, Oct 24, 2024.
Wan, Y. N. (2024). "Traveling from reality to imagination A journey through conditional sentences". Workshop at the Language Workshop Week, Language Center of the Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong, CHINA, Oct 21, 2024.
Wan, Y. N. (2024). “Some Guides to Research in Applied Linguistics.” Presentation at the Lunchtime Research Seminar, Language Center of Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong, CHINA, Sep 16, 2024.
Wan, Y. N. (2023). “AI-powered writing mastery: Enhancing vocabulary and sentence structures through social media”. Workshop at the Language Center of the Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong, CHINA, Nov 9, 2023.
Wan. Y. N. (2008). "Voice quality as meaning potential resources in telephone conflicts" Presentation at the Departmental Seminar, PolyU, Department of English, Hong Kong, CHINA, May 19, 2008.
Wan, Y. N. (2008). "Making good calls great: The importance of voice quality" Seminar presentation at the Tower Club, Philamlife Building, Makati, Manila, THE PHILIPPINES, February 22, 2008.
Wan. Y. N. (2007). "Call Centre Discourse: Graduation in relation to sound quality and attitudinal profile". Presentation at the Faculty of Education in the University of Technology, Sydney, AUSTRALIA, May 18, 2007.
Forey, G. & Wan, Y. N. (2006). "Interpersonal meaning in call centre communication." Presentation at The English Language Centre Research Seminar, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, CHINA, April 3, 2006.
Academic Service
Editorial Board
Review Board
Manuscript Reviewer