Dr. Rebekah BALE
Acting Head & Assistant Professor
English Literature Stream Coordinator
Education Concentration Coordinator

PhD in English Literature, SUNY Albany, New York, United States
MPhil in Comparative Literature, University of Hong Kong
BA (hons.) in English Literature and Linguistics, University of Westminster, London, UK.

Courses Taught 

Introduction to Literature
English Writing
Modernist Fiction
Romantics and Romantic Skeptics

Research Interests 

Shakespeare and adaptations
Literature and film


Bale, R, (2023). "The world to me is but a ceaseless storm": Pericles, The Porpoise, and the Resistance of Exile." Comparative Drama 57.1 (2023): 87-96.

Bale, R. and Ngan, H. (2022) “Asian Shakespeare Tourism.” Shakespeare and Tourism. Ed. R. Ormsby and V. Pye: Oxford: Routledge.

Bale R. (2017). "“Un Théâtre d’Intervention”: Two Congolese Adaptations of Shakespeare". Shakespeare en devenir- Les Cahiers de La Licorne - Shakespeare en devenir N°12 - 2017. Publié en ligne le 20 décembre 2017. URL: http://shakespeare.edel.univ-poitiers.fr/index.php?id=1098

Bale R. (2017). Review - https://africainwords.com/2017/06/26/caine-prize-shortlist-reviews-part-1-the-story-of-the-girl-whose-birds-flew-away-by-bushra-al-fadil/

Bale, R. (2016). La Délinquance Idéologique: Sony Labou Tansi and the Political Love Story of Romeo and Juliet. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies. 4(4), 164-171. Retrieved from www.eltsjournal.org

Bale, R. (2011) Shakespeare in Africa. Retrieved from http://folgerpedia.folger.edu/Shakespeare_in_Africa

Selected Conference Presentations

The Urgency of Theatre: Shakespeare, Sony Labou Tansi and Pushing the Boundaries of Performance.” ANZSA Conference 2023

“The world to me is but a ceaseless storm”: Pericles, The Porpoise and exile as a site of resistance.” Shakespeare Association of America 2022

One Country, Two Shakespeares Shakespeare Association of America 2021

Pericles and The Porpoise: Mark Haddon's Novel of the Sea” Comparative Drama Conference 2021

“Appropriating the Darkness: Scandi-Noir and Macbeth” Shakespeare Association of America (Washington D.C.) 2019

«La Délinquance Idéologique»: Sony Labou Tansi and the Political Love Story of Romeo and Juliet. The International Shakespeare Conference, (Cheongju, Korea) 2017

“Shakespeare and the Politics of Location: A Kongolese Hamlet” European Shakespeare Research Association (Gdansk) 2017

«La Délinquance Idéologique»: Sony Labou Tansi and the Political Love Story of Romeo and Juliet. North Eastern MLA (Baltimore) 2016

‘“Un Theatre d’ Intervention”: Sony Labou Tansi’s ‘The Red and White Revival of Romeo and Juliet’. Shakespeare Association of America (St Louis) 2014

‘The Place of the Spirit and the Spirit of the Place: An Analysis of an African Hamlet.’ Shakespeare Association of America (Boston) 2012

Invited Seminar and Talk

Bale, R (2024). “Current Research in Literary Studies”. Presentation at the Lunchtime Research Seminar, Language Center of Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong, CHINA, Sep 16, 2024.