Dr. LIU Jianwen Kacey
Associate Professor
Translation Stream Coordinator
Co-leader, Comparative Gender Research Cluster, Wan Chow Yuk Fan Centre for Interdisciplinary Evidence Based Practice & Research (CIEBPR) 

PhD in Gender Studies / Translation Studies,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MA in Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
B.A. in English Education, South China Normal University

Courses Taught
Graduate Level:
Gender Studies in Interdisciplinary Contexts
MA Dissertation
Guided Readings in English Studies
Undergraduate Level:
Gender/Sexuality in Literature and Films
Introduction to Translation
Literary Translation
Gender, Language and Translation
Translation and Globalization
Commercial Translation 
Linguistic Approaches to Translation
Interdisciplinary Approaches to English Studies
English Writing (1)
English Writing (2)
Research Interests

Corpus-based Translation
Gender and Translation
Gender and Language

Research Grant

2024 (Presenter and co-author) Unveiling Gender Bias in AI Translation: A Corpus-assisted Analysis of Marriage-related Text in The Second Sex (UCG/23/13), University Conference Grant (HK$12,386)

2024 (PI) “Gender in Korean Literature: Literary and Translation Perspectives”, The Literature and Translation Institute of Korea (HK$38,913)

2022-2024 (PI), "Gender Role Portrayal of Parents in Hong Kong Children's Literature: Egalitarian or Stereotyping?", University Research Grant (HK$39028.5)

2018-2021(PI), “How do students perform and perceive translation tasks in corpus-assisted translation settings? – A quantitative and qualitative study on the potential and problems of using corpus in specialized translation teaching in Hong Kong” (UGC/FDS15/H11/17), FDS Research Grant Council (HK$783,595)

Publication Grant: 2016 (Single Author) Gender and Power of Speech: The Translation of Feminist Novels (《性别與話語權——女性主義小說的翻譯》Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company Limited (中華書局), University Publication Grant (HK$30,000)

Conference Grant: 2011 (Presenter and Single author) Gender in Translation: The Migration of Power in the Translation of Feminist Literary Works (10041A), University Conference Grant (HK$12,680)

  • Journal articles

Liu, J. (2024). A Woman Warrior in Alternative Voices: Analysing English and French Translations of the Chinese Classic Mulan Ci (<木蘭辭> “The Ballad of Mulan”). Critical Arts, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1080/02560046.2024.2391970 (SSCI-indexed)


Park, J. and Liu, J. (2023). Intersectional Examination of Transgender Women in South Korea: A Case Study of the Dismissal of the First Transgender Officer by the Ministry of National Defense. International Journal of Korean Humanities and Social Sciences 9, 47-67. (Published by Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland in co-edition with Inha University and Yonsei University, South Korea)


Liu, K.; Kwok, H.L.; Liu, J.; Cheung, A.K.F. (2022) Sustainability and Influence of Machine Translation: Perceptions and Attitudes of Translation Instructors and Learners in Hong Kong. Sustainability, 14, 6399. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14116399 (SSCI-indexed)


Liu, J and Liu, K. (2020) Translation Criticism from the Perspective of Eco-translation: A Comparison of Two Chinese Translations of Jack London’s Love of Life, Translation Quarterly. 95: 21-34. (Official publication of the Hong Kong Translation Society)


Liu, K and Liu, J. (2018) Corpus Use in Translation Teaching: A Case Study of “hong huang zhi li” Based on COCA and Ancient Chinese Corpus (語料庫在翻譯教學中的“洪荒之力”:以COCA和古代漢語語料庫爲例). Journal of Nanhua University (Social Science Edition)南華大學學報 19(6): 102-110. (CNKI-indexed)


Liu, J. (2011) The Transmission of Female Power in Translation (翻譯中的女性話語權:探析話語權力、女性主義寫作與翻譯之關係), Journal of Translation Studies, (1): 117-141. (Official publication of The Chinese University of Hong Kong)


Liu, J. (2011) Richard’s Image in Translation: A Comparison of Male and Female Translations of Free Women (《自由女性》中的理查:比較女譯者版本與男譯者版本), Studies of Translation and Interpretation, (14): 47-68. (Official publication of the Taiwan Association of Translation and Interpretation, TCI-HSS (Taiwan Citation Index-Humanities and Social Sciences)-indexed)


Huang, Z and Liu, J. (2007) Discussing the Translation of English Advertisements into Chinese:  Based on the Adaptation Theory, Journal of Guangdong University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), (03): 63-65. (CNKI-indexed)


Liu, J. (2006) Contextual Adaptation in the Translation of English Advertising Slogans, Foreign Language Research, (07): 192-195. (CSSCI-indexed)


  • Monograph
Liu, J. (2016) Gender and Power of Speech: The Translation of Feminist Novels (《性别與話語權——女性主義小說的翻譯》, Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company Limited (香港:中華書局).
  • Book chapters

Liu, J. and Hao, Y. (Forthcoming) Enhancing Translation Students’ Digital Literacy: Using a Web-based Parallel Corpus as an Example. Transcending Boundaries in the Digital Age: Teaching, Research and Practice. Springer.


Liu, J. (Forthcoming) Caught In-between: Chinese Feminism in Contemporary Script Writing for TV Dramas. Routledge Companion to Global Women's Writing. Edited by Tripthi Pillai and Ina Seethaler. Routledge. 


Liu, J.; Su, Y.; Liu, K. (2023) Corpus-assisted Translation Learning: Attitudes and Perceptions of Novice Translation Students. Advances in Techno-Humanities: Case Studies from Culture, Philosophy and the Arts. Edited by Mak Kin-wah. Routledge. 


Liu, J. (2022) Beyond the Gender Binary: An Analysis of the Representation of Androgyny in Wang Xifeng. Dream of the Red Chamber: Literary and Translation Perspectives. Edited by Moratto, R, Liu, K, & Chao, D. New York: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003296812-2   


Liu, J. (2012) Femininities/Masculinities in the Era of Gender Diversity (性別氣質的多元化時代:從打造「陽剛男生秀慧女生」說起), in Sexualities and Gender Study (《性別多元:理論與實務研究》). Kaohsiung: Universal Press (高雄:萬有出版社): 192-196.

  • Book reviews

Liu, J. and Zhu, L. (2023) Review of Extending the Scope of Corpus-Based Translation Studies Edited by Sylviane Granger and Marie-Aude Lefer, Bloomsbury Academic, 2022. Corpora. Vol. 18 (3): 387–390. DOI: 10.3366/cor.2023.0292 (SSCI/AHCI-indexed) 


(In Chinese) Liu, J. and Zhu, L. (2023) Review of Research Methods in Legal Translation and Interpreting: Crossing Methodological Boundaries Edited by Biel, Łucja, Jan Engberg, M. Rosario Martín Ruano, and Vilelmini Sosoni. Abingdon, Oxon UK; New York, NY: Routledge, 2019. 215 pages. ISBN 9781351031226. Teaching and Research of Translation翻譯教學與研究, P173-178. (Official publication of the Chongqing Translation Society and Sichuan International Studies University)


Liu, J. and Zhu, L. (2022) Review of When Translation Goes Digital: Case Studies and Critical Reflections Edited by Renée Desjardins, Claire Larsonneur and Philippe Lacour. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research. https://doi.org/10.22925/APJCR.2022.3.1.51 (Official publication of the Institute for Corpus Research, Incheon National University, South Korea)


Liu, J. (2021) Review of Corpus‐assisted Translation Teaching: Issues and Challenges. K Liu. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Private Limited, 2020. 168 pp., EUR85.59 (e‐book). International Journal of Applied Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijal.12354 (SSCI-indexed)


Liu, J. (2021) Review of Gender in Literary Translation: A Corpus-based Study of the English Translations of Chenzhong De Chibang. Lingzi Meng. Singapore: Springer, 2019. 162 pp., EUR 99.99 (hardcover). Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research. https://doi.org/10.22925/apjcr.2021.2.2.49 (Official publication of the Institute for Corpus Research, Incheon National University, South Korea)


  • Non-refereed publications

劉劍雯。<結合生態與翻譯 影響人與自然關係>,《文匯報》。2022年6月20日。A25。


Invited Talks 

Liu, J. (2024) “Navigating the Pages: An Analysis of the Representation of Women’s Mothering Roles in Korean Picture Books”, keynote speech at HKBU CIE-KIMEP-HKSYU International Virtual Student Seminar 2024. 

Liu, J. (2024) “A Woman's Struggle Unveiled: Exploring the Factors Contributing to the Challenging Circumstances of Kim Chi-Yong, Born 1982”, Gender in Korean Literature: Literary and Translation Perspectives Symposium, 16 March 2024. 

Liu, J. (2023) “Representation of Women’s Mothering Role in Korean Picture Books: Past and Present (한국 그림책에서 여성의 모성 역할의 표현: 과거와 현재)”, invited talk delivered at Korean Picture Book Exhibition: Cabinet of Stories Supported by LTI Korea, 11 November 2023. 

Liu, J. (2023) “Gender, Identity and Difference: Embracing Diversity in Translation”, invited talk delivered at HKBUCIE-KIMEP-HKSYU International Virtual Student Seminar, 7 April 2023.

Liu, J. (2020) “Introducing Translation Criticism from an Eco-translation Perspective: Concepts and Applications”, invited talk at Centre for Translation Studies, SOAS, University of London, 5 Nov, 2020.

Liu, J. (2018) “Gender Perspectives and the Translation of Feminist novels”, invited talk of the “Read & Red: Pillars of PolyU Lecture Series”, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, March 27, 2018





Liu, J. (2015) “Translation and Globalization”, invited talk at the School of Foreign Languages and Studies, Southeast University, May 29, 2015.

Conference Presentations

Huang, Z and Liu, J. (2024) “Discourse of Menopause on Social Media across Cultures: A Corpus-Assisted Comparison between X and Weibo”, To be presented in the 11th Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) Biennial Conference (University of Cambridge, 16-17 July 2024).

Liu, J. and Chan, M. (2024) “Through the Pages of Time: Analyzing the Changing Representation of Women’s Mothering Roles in Korean Picture Books”, Presented in the International Association of Maternal Action and Scholarship Conference: Mothering and Motherhood: Past, Present, and Future (Boston University, Massachusetts, 21-24 June 2024). (online)

Liu, J. and Yin H. (2024) “Enhancing Translation Students’ Digital Literacy: Using a Web-based Parallel Corpus as an Example”, Presented in the HKAECT2024 Conference (The University of Hong Kong, 13-15 June 2024).

Liu, J., and Yin H. (2024) “Unveiling Gender Bias in AI Translation: A Corpus-assisted Analysis of Marriage-related Text in The Second Sex”, Presented in The Japan Association for Language Teaching Computer Assisted Language Learning Conference (Meijo University, 17-19 May 2024).

Yin, H. and Liu, J. (2024) “Exploring Gendered Body Language in AI Translation: a Corpus-assisted Study”, Presented in the 2nd International Conference on Translation and Cultural Sustainability: Challenges and New Avenues (University of Salamanca, 17-19 April 2024).

Liu, J., and Park, J. (2024) “Intersectional Examination of Transgender Women in South Korea: A Case Study of the Dismissal of the First Transgender Officer by the Ministry of National Defense”, Presented in the International Conference “Marginality, inclusion, and gender in Korea: past and present” (University of Malaga, Spain, 12-13 March 2024) (online)

Liu, J. (2024) “Nature in Translation: Exploring Depictions and Transformations in Ecological Themes”, Presented in There's a Spirit in the Woods: International Conference on Literature and Ecology (SRM University, Delhi-NCR, 2-3 March 2024) (online)

Liu, J. and Yin, H. (2024) “A Corpus-based Study of Gendered Expressions in the Two Chinese Translations of The Second Sex”, Presented in the International Conference of New Frontiers in Techno-Humanities (Caritas Institute of Higher Education, 4 January 2024).

Liu, J. (2023) “Reinforcing or Resisting? Unveiling Gender Stereotypes in Portrayals of Parental Roles in Hong Kong Picture Books”, Presented in Taiwan Children’s Literature Research Association Symposium-Conference 2023 (Tunghai University, 25 November 2023). 

Liu, J. (2023) “Insufficiency and Hunger: Analyzing the Narration of Culinary Delicacy in Hong Ying’s Novel Daughter of the River”, Presented in The Annual Conference of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures 2023 (University of Bucharest, 24-25 November 2023). (online)

Liu, J. (2023) “Translating Mulan Ci: A Study of Multimodality in the French Picture Book Adaptation”, Presented in The 8th HAAL (Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics) Conference 2023 (The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, 15 July, 2023). 

Liu, J. (2023) “Where has the Father Gone? The Invisibility of Fathers in the Storytelling of Family Life in Hong Kong Picture Books”, Presented in Suffolk Storytelling Conference 2023 (University of Suffolk, 11-12 July 2023).

Liu, J. (2023) “Enhancing Translation Students’ Digital Literacy: Using a Web-based Parallel Corpus as an Example”, Presented in the JALTCALL Conference 2023 (Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2-4 June, 2023).

Liu, J. (2022) “Discovering Gender Stereotypes in Translation: A Study of the English Translations of Mulan Ci (木蘭辭,“The Ballad of Mulan”) by Western Male Translators”. Presented in the International Congress on English Language Education and Applied Linguistics (Hong Kong Education University, 6-9 December, 2022).

Liu, J. (2022) “A Research Roadmap to Advancing Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Future-Shaping Research Priorities (Comparative Gender Cluster)”, Presented in the Lunch Research Seminar of Wan Chow Yuk Fan Centre for Interdisciplinary Evidence-based Practice and Research, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 31 August, 2022. 

Liu, J. and Chan, M. (2022) “Mediating Heroism through Picturebooks: A Study of the French Translation of the Chinese poem “The Ballad of Mulan” (Mulan Ci <木蘭辭>) in the Form of a Picturebook”, Presented in “The International Conference on Translation, Ideology, Ethics: Response and Credibility” (Department of Translation and Interpretation Studies, Vilnius University, Lithuania, 22–24 September 2022)

Liu, J, Liu, K., Su, Y. (2022) “Routinizing Corpus Use in Translation Learning: Translation Trainees’ Perspectives”, Presented in “Conference on Building a Techno-Humanities Culture in Hong Kong” (School of Humanities and Languages, Caritas Institute of Higher Education, 5-6 January, 2022)


Liu, Jianwen, Liu, Kanglong. (2021) “Data-driven Learning and Corpus-assisted Translation Pedagogy: An Exploratory Study”, Presented in “2020 International Conference on Translation Studies in East Asia: Tradition, Transition, Transcendence” (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 19-20 June, 2021)

Liu, Jianwen, Liu, Kanglong. (2019) “Discovering the Advantage of Using Corpus in Translation Teaching: An Evidence-based Approach”, Presented in “HKSYU Evidence-Based Practice International Conference 2019” (Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 25 October 2019)

Liu Kanglong, Liu, Jianwen. (2019) “Use of Parallel Corpus in Translation Teaching: What do Students Say?” Presented in “The 2019 International Conference on Translation Education: Computer-Aided Translator Training (CATT): Of Machines and Man” (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, 24-25 August, 2019 )

Liu, Jianwen. (2019) “Human Exceptionalism in Translation: A Comparison of Two Chinese Translations of Jack London’s Love of Life”, Presented in “The Natureculture Crisscrossings: An Emergent Chinese-Western Intersectional Perspective” (Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 12-14 June, 2019)

Li, Dechao, Liu, Jianwen & Liu, Kanglong. (2019) “Designing and Applying a Large-scale English-Chinese Parallel Corpus for Translator Training: With TR Corpus as an Example”, Presented in “The Conference of Corpus use in Translation and Teaching in the Big Data Era” (Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou 10-12 May, 2019)

Liu, Jianwen. (2018) “Expression of Humanity and Sex Liberation: The Chinese Translation of Lady Chatterley's Lover”, Presented in “The International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS) 6th International Conference” (Hong Kong Baptist University, July 3-6, 2018)

Liu, Jianwen. (2018) “Translation Criticism from the Perspective of the Anthropocene: A Case Study of Three Chinese Translations of Jack London’s Love of Life”, The Anthropocene and Beyond (Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 29 May- 1June, 2018)

Liu, Jianwen. (2014) “Lady Chatterley's Lover in China: Censorship and the Translation of the Novel”, Presented in “The First International Conference on Translation Studies ICTS ‘Translating Asia: Then and Now’” (University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok June 5-6, 2014)

Liu, Jianwen. (2014)「福柯在中國大陸的譯介:從《讀書》雜誌說起」, Presented in The Ninth Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong (香港亞洲研究學會第九屆研討會),香港大學,2014314-15日。

Liu, Jianwen. (2013)「翻譯實踐中的性別意識:以紀錄片《成功在望》的字幕翻譯為例」, Presented in 「第五屆全國應用翻譯研討會」, 中國翻譯協會,西安外國語大學, 20135 17-19日。

Liu, Jianwen. (2013)「『文革』後《世界文學》對外國女性文學的譯介」,Presented in The Eighth Annual Conference The Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong (The Hong Kong Institute of Education, March 8-9, 2013)

Liu, Jianwen. (2012)「性別氣質的多元化時代:從打造「陽剛男生秀慧女生」說起」, Presented in 「性別多元:理論與實務國際研討會」, 北京林業大學性與性別研究所,2012522-24日。

Liu, Jianwen. (2012) “Translating Feminist Writing: The Migration of Power and Gender issues”, Presented in “Translation between Chinese and English: Theory and Practice” (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 4-5, 2012) 

Liu, Jianwen. (2012)「中國八十年代頒布的文藝政策與新時期女性文學的發展」,Presented in “The Seventh Annual Conference The Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong”(Hong Kong Shue Yan University, March 2-3, 2012)

Liu, Jianwen. (2011)「民國時期月份牌畫女性形象之演變 (1910s-1940s) 」。「華人女性與視覺再現」國際研討會,復旦大學密西根大學社會性別研究所,20111216-19日。

Liu, Jianwen. (2011) “Gender in Translation: The Migration of Power in the Translation of Feminist Literary Works”, Presented in “Literature and Translation” (Monash University (Caulfield Campus), Melbourne, July 11-12, 2011)

Liu, Jianwen. (2010) “Discovering the Translator’s Gender Position in Translation: A Case Study of the Chinese Translation of Doris Lessing’s The Golden Notebook”, Presented in “VII International Conference on Translation/International Symposium for Young Researchers” (Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, June 21-22, 2010)

Liu, Jianwen. (2009) “Discovering the Power of Discourse in Translation: A Case Study of Daughter of the River from a Gender Perspective”, Presented in “The Third International Conference on Gender Equity Education in the Asia-Pacific Region” (Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan, October 17-18, 2009)

Liu, Jianwen. (2009) “Discovering the Translator’s Gender Position in Translation: A Case Study of the Chinese Translation of Doris Lessing’s The Golden Notebook”, Presented in the “Research Seminar in Translation Studies, 2008-2009” (Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, February 23, 2009)

Liu, Jianwen. (2009) “Conflicts, Power and Discourse in Literary Translation: A Gender-based Perspective: A Case Study of the Male Characters in Daughter of the River”, Presented in the “Research Seminar in Translation Studies, 2008-2009” (Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, September 22, 2009)

Liu, Jianwen. (2008) “Rewriting Stories: Translator’s Subjectivity and Gender Awareness as Reflected in Zi Teng’s News Translation”, Presented in Postgraduate Conference “With/Out Theory: The Role of Theory in Translation Studies Research” (University College London, April17-18, 2008)