Dr. CHENG Ho Fai Viggo
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Linguistics (Sociolinguistics concentration), Georgetown University
M.A. in Language Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
B.A. in English Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University
Research Interests
Discourse Analysis
Intercultural Communication
Language and Games
Language and Identities
Courses Taught
Applied Language Studies
Pedagogical Grammar
English Usage I & II
Selected Publication
Gordon, C. & Cheng, H.F. (Forthcoming) Book chapter. Food, morality, and health in online discussion boards. The Routledge Companion to Language and Food.
Ladegaard, H. & Cheng, H.F. (2014). Constructing the cultural ‘other’: prejudice and intergroup conflict in university students’ discourses about ‘the other’. The Journal of Language and Intercultural Communication, 14(2), 156-175. https://doi.org/10.1080/14708477.2013.849718
Book Review
Cheng, H. F. (2015). Book Review of Arendholz, J. (2013), (In)appropriate online behavior: a pragmatic analysis of message board relations. Pragmatics and Society, 6(3), 469-473. https://doi.org/10.1075/ps.6.3.08che
Conference Presentations
Cheng, H. F. (2019). “I am a Catholic. I am a good person”: ambiguating the distinctions between game and nongame frames. Paper presented at the 16th International Pragmatics
Association Conference (IPrA 2019), Hong Kong.
Cheng, H.F. (2018). Positioning and identity construction: a migrant domestic helper’s narrative in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Georgetown University Round Table on Language and Linguistics: Approaches to Discourse (GURT 2018), Washington D.C.
Gordon, C. & Cheng, H. F. (2017). “Our society is definitely expecting large portions nowadays”: negotiating accountability for obesity in an online discussion thread. Paper presented at the 116th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.
Cheng, H. F. (2013). Identity constructions through personal narratives of foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 12th International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication Conference (IALIC 2013), Hong Kong.
Invited Talks
Research method: Understanding data interpretation in qualitative sociolinguistic Studies. (Mar 2024) Invited lecture at ENGL 1050 Research Method in Sociolinguistics taught by Hanwool Choe, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Data collection in dissertation work. (Feb 2024) Invited speaker at LING 571 Sociolinguistic
Field Methods taught by Jennifer Nycz, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
Interactional sociolinguistic approaches to gender studies. (Oct 2023) Invited lecture at LING 3456 Language and Gender taught by Aisulu Raspayeva, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.
Writing genre: Statement of purpose in graduate program applications. (Apr 2023) Invited speaker at WRI 100 Advanced Writing taught by Yiran Xu, University of Merced, Merced, CA.
Journal Reviewer
Journal of Language and Intercultural Communication (Taylor & Francis) 2014-2018