
The Department of English Language and Literature invites you to explore the exciting learning opportunities offered by the our undergraduate degree: the Bachelor of Arts with Honours in English, which allows you to specialise in one or more of four aspects of English studies - Literature, Linguistics, Translation and Cultural Studies. The Department also offers MPhil and PhD programmes which provide opportunities to conduct research in areas ranging from Shakespearean Studies to Environmnetal Ethics & Culture, Second Langauage Acquisition, Discourse Analysis, Translation Criticism and Gender Studies, among many others.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          APPLY NOW



Newly Structured Programme, 2024 - 2025

Starting from 2024 - 2025, the English Department will offer a newly structured programme. The programme will be primarily divided into two streams, Linguistics Stream and Literature Stream. It will take an interdisciplinary approach to the areas related to languages and communication, literary and cultural studies. For more details of our programme objectives and outcomes, click here.

Main Features

Academic Requirements:
Students will complete 124 credits in total. They will choose courses mainly from the linguistics and literature streams. 
Education Bureau Recognition: Graduates are exempted from the written papers of the Language Proficiency Assessment (LPR) for Teachers of English. 

Work Placement (optional):
120 hours per semester. 
Types of Work Placement: Editing
, Teaching, Translation, Marketing and Advertisement, Multimedia Industry, Office Administration, Non-government Organization (NGO)
For more details, click here.

Education Prospects:
Postgraduate Studies in Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies, Translation, Gender Studies, Movie Studies, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Postgraduate Diploma of Educational Programme (PGDE)
For more details, click here.

Career Prospects:
Education, Publishing, Editing, Translation, Marketing and PR,  Project and Art Management,
Hotel and Hospitality, Media and Journalism, Administration and Management in private and public sectors

For more details, click here.

One Programme, Two Streams

Linguistics is the scientific study of language. It involves a systematic study of language sounds, meaning, and structure. It also focuses on how humans acquire language, how language evolves, how language is used in different contexts, and its interaction with social and cultural factors.
We have a number of courses in the linguistics streams (2024 - 2025 cohort), including: 
Applied Language Studies, Sociolinguistics, 
Signs and Symbols in Written and Visual Communication, 
Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, 
English in Global Communication

Humans have always told stories and literature is the study of these stories. It comes in various formats such as novels, drama, movies, comics and many more. Literature tells stories about all types of people, places and even plants and animals. 

We have a number of courses in the literature streams (2024 - 2025 cohort), including: 
Women's Writing & Feminist Readings, 
Children's Literature, Literature and Film, 
Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature 
Reading and Writing the Environment

For the list of the courses we offer, click here.

Staff Research 

Shakespeare and Adaptations
Dr. Rebekah Bale, Assistant Professor
Click here

The Intersection of Humanities and Technology: Exploring the Impact of ChatGPT on Translation Tasks in Hong Kong Universities
Dr. Kacey Liu, Associate Professor
Click here


Who do we write children’s literature for?
Dr. Michelle Chan, Assistant Professor
Click here

Can ChatGPT write as rhetorically as humans do? A discourse study of ChatGPT- and human-generated research article abstracts in Applied Linguistics
Dr. Thomas Chan, Assistant Professor
Click here


Understanding Play: Exploring Communication and Socialization through Board Game Interactions
Dr. Viggo Cheng, Assistant Professor
Click here


Our Differences in Apologizing
Dr. Jenny Wan, Assistant Professor
Click here

The Power of Meaning Making
Dr. Ivy Wong, Assistant Professor
Click here

Narrative experimentation and the Exploration of Identity, Displacement, and Temporality
Dr. Maria Chan, Senior Lecturer
Click here

Linguistic Analysis of Trauma, Resistance and Rejection of the Status Quo in Fiction and Non-Fiction Discourse
Dr. Marjorie Cheung, Senior Lecturer
Click here



Departmental Seminar - Dr. Winnie Zeng

Dr. Winnie Zeng
Date: 25 March 2025
Time: 12:00 - 13:30
Venue: Language Center RLG104

HKSYU Annual Athletic Meet

Date: 12 March 2025

Departmental Seminar - Cultural Studies

Between Danger and Love: Esperanto and Its Legacy for Cross-Cultural Encounter in China (Zoom meeting)
Speaker: Dr. Lorraine Wong
Date: 7th March 2025
Time: 3 pm
Venue: Main Building Room 405