International Virtual Student Seminar 2024
This international seminar provides an exchange platform for Hong Kong students from College of International Education of Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, and Kazakhstani students from KIMEP University to present their research projects and share ideas on areas, such as cultural diversity and communication; power disparity and underrepresentation; how people with different modes of communication, behaviours, values, and belief systems can lead to fraught interactions; how the norms and ideologies affect cultural awareness; how media can communicate and engage diverse audiences nowadays.
Seminar Theme: Diversity
“Diversity” is defined as variety, the condition of having or being composed of differing elements, or an inclusive community encompassing different demographic characteristics. A particular country can be described as relatively homogeneous if most people are of the same race (religion, ethnicity, etc.) or relatively heterogeneous if they are more diverse. In multiethnic and multiracial societies, it is a common occurrence to hear that diversity is regarded as society’s means toward harmony. Diversity is believed to provide people with new information and perspectives that expand their minds, enrich a nation, and increase the ways in which its citizens can perceive and solve personal and public problems.