International Virtual Student Seminar 2022
This virtual student seminar aims to bring students from KIMEP University, Hong Kong Shue Yan University and Hong Kong Baptist University College of International to exchange ideas on the portrayal of stereotypes in different forms of media; how people are impacted by the generally agreed terms and assigned characteristics based on the gender and skin colour; whether social media carrying the notion of participatory culture provides a platform to talk on issues which is silenced or overlooked in society and slowly changes the hegemonic hierarchy.
Theme: Gender and Representations
In shaping people’s understanding of social selves, relationships, and structures, the issues of class, power, and culture have been unavoidable in categorizing individuals. In case of gender portrayal, society have established hegemony of males by institutionalizing dominance of men over women. Mass media for long is reinforcing the notion of stereotyping and roles (e.g., norms attached to behaviours and dress) through its content which somehow set people apart. Such categorization affects people’s lives by shaping their opinion, attitudes, and beliefs in predictable ways. It controls social life by transferring the dominant hegemonic ideology in an invisible way.