Time: 10:30 am -12:00 pm
Date: 18 April, 2024
Venue: Room 105, Main Building, HKSYU
Meeting ID: 921 9604 9695
Passcode: 102494
This talk will address language, gender, and news media in Mainland China. The primary purpose is to examine how gender representations vary with the choice of different gender terms and across various time periods. It will showcase the integration of text mining into critical discourse studies, providing a corpus-assisted discourse analysis of gender representations in Mainland China’s news media. This analysis is expected to shed light on the dynamic relationships between language, gender, and social change in Mainland China.

Dr. LIU Ming is an assistant professor at Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests cover critical discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, pragmatics, systemic functional linguistics, and intercultural communication. His recent publications have appeared in some international journals, such as Discourse & Communication, Language & Communication, Journal of Language and Politics, Text & Talk, Discourse, Context & Media, Lingua, Digital Scholarships in the Humanities, Journalism, and Critical Arts. He is currently conducting a GRF project on the recontextualization of the Basic Law in news discourse and serves on the editorial boards of Discourse & Society and Journal of Language and Politics.