Educational Prospects

Graduates have been pursuing postgraduate degree in Linguistics, Literary Studies, Cultural Studies, Translation, Gender Studies, and Movie Studies. A number of graduates have further their study to educational related programs, including Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Programme (PGDE). Graduates have expanded their study to a wide range of fields, including, for example, Speech Therapy, Management, Social Work, and Law.

Career Prospects

Graduates will be able to develop their careers in fields related to intensive use of English and creative and cultural industries, for example, teaching, publishing, editing, and translation. Besides, a number of our graduates are working in the sectors administration and management, public relation and marketing, exhibition and project management. Our graduates have also acquired administrative positions in both public and private sectors.

Kaycee Chung
(currently working in the field of Hotel and Hospitality)
Hi there!  I am working as a Reception Manager in a luxury hotel in London. Having earned a bachelor degree in English Literature helped me grow in my career immensely. 
I am able to connect with people with a peripheral understanding  on their cultural background, I can always quickly immerse myself into their experiences by listening and responding cohesively. In speaking of people management, I implemented the analytical skills needed to decode primary texts to simplify instructions as well as to be flexible with each individual in my team.
As the saying goes - “limit’s the sky”, follow your passion and always give your best, I believe you can achieve anything you want!

Beryl Ng (currently working in the field of Business Administration ) 

I would like to express my sincerest gradtitude to the department for providing internship opportunities between organizations. English, as a language and culture, has played a profound role in shaping my academic and professional journey. English is more than just a means of communication; it is a vibrant culture that transcends borders. Through my studies, I delved into the rich tapestry of literature, linguistics, and culture that English encompasses, and gained a deeper appreciation for its cultural significance. The internship oppotunities facilitated by the department allowed me to apply my English skills in real-world settings, fostering personal and professional growth. These experiences not only enhanced my language proficiency but also provided valuable insights into the professional world, equipping me with a versatile skill set.